
An open-source multi-asset portfolio optimizer

The construction of an efficient portfolio usually sits at the core of the investment process. This blog post introduces the interactive Portfolio Optimizer available on the quantamental platform.

Fabian Scheler

November 20, 2021

Modeling Glide Paths and withdrawal plans

This blog post introduces the upgraded Monte Carlo application now supporting the simulation of withdrawal plans and Glide Paths, which automatically adjust the Strategic Asset Allocation over time.

Fabian Scheler

October 6, 2021

Modeling portfolio returns and savings plans

The compound interest and volatility concepts are very easily understood in principle and extremely hard to grasp intuitively. However, it helps to simulate and visualize the expected investment outcomes.

Fabian Scheler

September 30, 2021

Revisiting the Global Equity Market Portfolio

Would a GDP weighted global equity portfolio have suffered less during the Chinese crackdown on tech? This and other questions related to the Global Market Portfolio are the topic of my new blog post.

Fabian Scheler

September 14, 2021