
Visualizing economic data with pretty worldmaps

Economic data can easily be turned into beautiful thematic maps, also called choropleths. This blog post introduces a simple and flexible function, that automatically creates such charts using data from the Worldbank.

Fabian Scheler

March 20, 2022

Stylised examples in financial research and the Kelly Criterion

The Kelly Criterion is a great decision-making tool for gamblers. But its applicability in portfolio construction is less clear than oversimplifying examples frequently suggest.

Fabian Scheler

February 11, 2022

How concerned should we be about declining market breadth?

Many investors are worried about the declining number of corporations currently carrying the market higher. But how good is market breadth as a timing indicator?

Fabian Scheler

December 14, 2021

How justified are the record P/E spreads in equity markets?

Average Price/Earnings multiples conceal an extreme level of valuation dispersion in Western equity markets. This is increasingly concerning.

Fabian Scheler

December 7, 2021